I am a genetically-augmented, highly intelligent Yellow Baboon. In 2003 I escaped from a secret military facility in New Mexico. I lifted this laptop on the way out. | |||||||||||
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:: 12/28/2004 :: Why is the fucking internet attacking me?!?!
You know, if you had a Mac you'd have no virus, adware or spyware problems and you wouldn't be upset and your blog would not be as interesting.
So thank you, Bill Gates!
Fuck buckets! You people should dress up in short sleeve white shirts with black ties and go door to door. Okay! I get it! Macs don't get viruses. I know. Now you can go back to the Temple of MACedonia and tell the high fuckin' priest that you have fulfilled your mission.
And please, from now on, start all sentences with "Papa Smurf always says..."
Wow. I'm just going to back away now. I don't want a load of pale, sunken eyed Mac users charging my Louisiana swamp home with lit torches. I'm sorry I ever shrugged off this COMMERCIAL product that seems to have you all dangling from it's writing mechanical teets. Maybe if I had started out using a Mac I would feel different. Unfortunately I have had no choice in the computer I use. The assholes at Project: Infinite Monkey seem to move with the mob.
Actually, Runko, thanks to a huge grant from the Office of Homeland Security, we just bought a bunch of G5s with all the bells and whistles. So, here's the deal: Come on home and we'll give you your own Mac, and you'll never have to deal with viscious malware again, not even while downloading images of estrous females with their flaming red genitalia. We really need you to come on home now. Look, we promise: No more experiments. That thing where we hold your eyelids open and make you watch A Clockwork Orange again and again? Thing of the past. We'll just make you, like, the office mascot. Waddya say?
-- Your pal, Dr. Ivan von Schuster Mad Scientist-in-Chief
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This is far the coolest idea I ever met... posting comments which at the same time lets us give our opinions. These new "technologies" which are called blogs will sure end in something huge later on. That is my feeling. Regards, spyware cleaner
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